Winamp, iTunes Windows Media Player Real Player QuickTime Stream Proxy
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0000-0200 - Indie Submissions

0200-0400 - Indie Submissions

0400-0500 - JJ Kane - Quite Great Radio Show


0500-0600 - Auto DJ

0600-0800 - The Deuce Show


0800-1000  - Indie Submissions

1000-1200   - That 70's Sound with Dave Edwards


1200-1400   - Indie Submissions


1400-1600   - Indie Submissions


1600-1800   - Angel's Scottish Indie Breakfast

1800-2000  - An Independent Soul


2000-2200 - Angel's Indie Lounge 


2200-0000 - The Late night Rock ASSAULT Show hosted by Alex Sault 





0000-0200 - Country Belles


0200-0400 - Timezones With Smudge


0400-0600 - Just Tom with The Original Old Vinyl Show


0600-0800 - Color Red Radio with Mike Rogers


0800-1000  - Wyatt on the Radio


1000-1200   - Indie Submissions


1200-1400   - Soul with Monkey 


1400-1600   - Tom Lambert


1630-1800   - The Best of Irish Indie

1800-2000  - Soul with Monkey 


2000-2200 - The Sunday Show with Cuthopedia

2200-0000 - Sunday Album Show with Smudge (Replay)



0000-0200 - Karen's Indies


0200-0400 - Indie Submissions


0400-0600 - Angel's Scottish Indie Breakfast


0600-0800 - The Beat with The Cranberry Merchants


0800-1000  - Indie Fusion Show


1000-1200   - The Saturday Juke-Box with Smudge


1200-1400   -  Indie Submissions


1400-1600   - Wyatt on the Radio


1600-1800   - Angel's Indie Lounge


1800-2000  - Karen's Indies

2000-2200 - The Indie Fusion Show 


2200-0000 - Pluggin Baby Radio Show


0000-0200 - UK/USA Rock and Soul Connection


0200-0400 - The Sunday Show with Cuthopedia


0400-0600 - Jammin with Jencat

0600-0800 - Angel's Indie Lounge


0800-1000  - Indie Artist Submissions


1000-1200   - Karen's Indies


1200-1400   - Roundabout Soul with Monkey 


1400-1600   - Indie Submissions


1600-1800   - Sunday Album Show with Smudge (Replay)

1800-2000  - Just Tom with The Original Old Vinyl Show 

2000-2200 -  Indie Submissions

2200-2300 - Beth Williams Indie Americana Songwriter Show

2300-0000 - Auto Dj




0000-0200 - Indie Artist Submissions


0200-0400 - Indie Artist Submissions

0400-0600 - Karen's Indies


0600-0800 - Indie Submissions


0800-1000  - The Mike Rodger's Show


1000-1200   - Changing Faces

1200-1400   - Wyatt On The Radio


1400-1600   - The Beat with The Cranberry Merchants


1600-1800   - Angel's Scottish Indie Breakfast


1800-2000  - TimeZones with Smudge 


2000-2200 - Friday Night Rock Swashbuckle with Alex Sault & Karen Silk-Moore  


2200-0000 - Jammin with JenCat 





0000-0200 - Indie Submissions


0200-0400 - Indie Submissions

0400-0600 - The Sunday Show with Cuthopedia


0600-0800 - Indie Artist Submissions


0800-1000  -  Indie Fusion Show

1000-1200   - Angel's Scottish Indie Breakfast


1200-1400   - Soul with Monkey 


1400-1600   - Angel's Scottish Indie Breakfast


1600-1800   - Pluggin Baby Show

1800-2000  - The Saturday Juke-Box with Smudge 


2000-2200 - Country Belles 


2200-0000 - Angel's Indie Lounge (replay)





0000-0200 - Jammin with JenCat 


0200-0400 - Indie Submissions


0400-0600 - Indie Submissions


0600-0800 - Angel's Indie Lounge


0800-1000  - Wyatt on the Radio


1000-1200   - Soul on Sunday with Big Al 


1200-1400   - Indie Fusion with Graham 


1400-1600   - Karen's Indies 

1600-1800  -  The Louder Show with Gremlin

1800-2000  - The Sunday Show with Cuthopedia


2000-2200 - The Sunday Album Show with Smudge

2200-0000  - Jammin with JenCat 

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